Our Vision and Values
‘To encounter Jesus is to be invited into ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
Through challenge, support and care, we strive for excellence so everyone can Acquire new knowledge and skills; always building on the foundations of shared values with consistently high expectations rooted in God’s love.
We seek to provide a safe, inspiring and creative learning environment providing opportunities for all to Achieve their full potential as they flourish as a child of God.
As an inclusive Christian community, we Appreciate everyone which is rooted in our co-humanity as God’s children.
Our guiding vision statement permeates through every aspect of school life and we strive to help children leave us with the skills they need to ‘live their life to the full’.
Together we are encouraged to be agents of positive change in this world.
We believe the purpose of education is to nurture and enable every child to flourish so they can be the person they are fully capable of being, reaching their full potential, both spiritually, emotionally and academically.
We provide an education based on Christian beliefs and attitudes, whilst encouraging pupils to respect other cultures and religions within our society.
It encourages a love of learning and prepares the pupils for life as successful, highly motivated and socially responsible citizens of the world.
Children and staff work together as part of our wider community in order to raise aspirations and self-esteem whilst providing a stimulating broad and balanced curriculum.
We promote the social, moral, spiritual, cultural, emotional and physical development of children at school. We prepare children for the challenges, opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
We are inclusive and welcoming to those of all backgrounds and faiths; all individuals are respected, supported and nurtured. This can be seen in the value we place on personal relationships, the importance we give to good manners, respect for the opinions and beliefs of others, and celebration of diversity.
Our vision extends beyond the school gates, where we hope to see our wider community touched by the values lived by everyone in the school. We feel that if walking through life together, we can all flourish so everyone can live life in all its fullness.